Welcome to Deepening the Journey

It's time...

Clicking above takes you to PayPal to secure your spot with a $500 deposit. Once your payment is received, you'll be given further registration details.
Clicking above takes you to PayPal to complete the payment by credit card or PayPal balance. Once payment is received, further registration details will be given. 
Rather secure your spot by making a deposit by bank transfer? Click here and you'll be taken straight to a registration form with all the details you need.                  
Ready to pay in full by bank transfer? Click above and you'll be taken straight to a registration form with all the details you need.
The Fine Print

* Currently working? This retreat is fully tax deductible for most midwives (yes, you get it all back at the end of the tax year - flights, retreat, and any other related expenses...some people call it a free trip to Bali, we call it deep learning and growth - with a bonus back at the end of the year).

* Need Continuing Professional Development Hours? This retreat is run in conjunction with Griffith University in Australia and contributes to over 30 active hours of continuing professional education

 * Wondering where your money goes? We support Yayasan Bumi Sehat. A portion of all proceeds goes straight to the birth centre on your behalf

*  Need to discuss a payment plan? Creative payment / financing options are available. Contact us on deepeningthejourney@gmail.com today so we can chat by email or phone

* All payments need to be complete by 15 April 2020 except by pre-arrangement

* Wondering about the deposit? Fully refundable within 3 days. After that, except for exceptional circumstances, it's non-refundable. 
